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"It's crazy, how shite starts, y'know? These lands that ah own weren't always mine...didn't think they ever would be. Hell, at the beginnin' ah didn't even want 'ny territory, didn't feel like settlin' down...didn't think it was a good idea. Could've been a shit one, sure.


But now? Naw, ah think ah made the right choice. Helena would be proud...she's the original owner. A tough lass, muscles that could match me own. Ah wanted real bad ta get 'nta her pants, but she was a lesbian...didn't stop me from tryin'.


She was able ta keep up with me too, 'nuff ta let me calm down. After that she told me ta pick up a hobby, which is how ah got 'nta the guitar...yeah. Everythin' has strange beginnin's, ones that if y'look back y'can see the absurdity from-which y'grew from, kinda funny sometimes...don't y'think?"


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